Challenging Times
We were given the opportunity to speak at a council meeting earlier this year. And because our subject was considered so important, we were allowed to speak for double the usual time. So off we went inspired and passionate to write our speech. Please read it on our web site here. We informed the council of new evidence of health dangers,when exposed to herbicides and pesticides and requested a register for chemical sensitive people and asked for notification and warning signage for a period of 2 weeks after a public area has been sprayed with herbicides.
After weeks of waiting for council’s response and with growing concern for our community as it continued to be unprotected and without choice of being exposed to pesticides, we requested an urgent answer.
The answer came. Nothing will be done about it. Our effort and research wiped off the table. But
Council offers to work with individual members of the community on a case by case basis and if you as a member of the public feel you would like to be notified when council is spraying, please contact our CEO directly.
But, dear reader, don’t be disheartened.
Just a few days ago our group was contacted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). We are asked to support their”Declaration for safer Australian pesticide laws”. They have, quote, ”serious concerns about the way pesticides are regulated in Australia and the implications for farmers’ health and freshwater and marine environments.” And at the last federal election they have secured a commitment for important reforms
to better protect human health and the environment from pesticides and to catch Australia up to significant regulatory changes that have already taken place in Europe, the United States and Canada.
Change will happen! We will keep going.
Keep safe,
Your Healthy Environment Group