Community Standards

Community Standards

The Healthy Environment Group is a community group who believes based on the current science that chemical spraying should be minimized in the vicinity of; young children, sensitive at risk persons, near organically grown foods and aware or pregnant persons who choose not to be exposed as a matter of course by neighbours, Councils and State authorities.  The culture of spraying at will needs changing and we propose the following interim guidelines, standards and changes be adopted in a considerate aware community.

Concerns for Private Properties
Council to advise neighbours within a specified distance of 1 km of notification need for:
• 3 days (72 hours) notice minimum to be given to a sensitive neighbour
• Date and times of any proposed spraying to be specified
• Poisons to be used to be specified
• New notice to be given if weather or other factors prevents spraying
• Stop spraying if wind blowing in direction towards sensitive neighbours property
• No pressure spraying in vicinity
• No more than 1 day of hand spraying from all sources to be permitted in any week (7 Days)
• No more than 3 days cumulative in any calendar month, or 4 days per year from any one source
• No more spraying on public road reserves or on frontages to roads
• Spraying within 300m of a residence including adjoining fence lines to be by prior agreement only
• Where it has been shown previous neighbour spraying has caused medical consequences all spraying by agreement only
• Owners to be reminded that they are legally liable for the actions of their contactors
• That contactors must be specifically licensed under the QLD Environmental Protection Act
• Neighbour to be fined for using Grazon and all 2,4 d containing products without a permit